Croquet Flower Bouquet-Blue Missing


It is a perfect bouquet made with Glass Rose, Fern leaf, Blueberry, Myosotis , purple Tulip, light-blue and dark-blue Calla Lily, and African Daisy. It is comfortable to touch with your hand, and outstandingly long-lasting.


The Crochet Flower Bouquet-Blue Missing is a stunning and unique floral arrangement that will impress. 

This crochet ensemble of gorgeous flowers and foliage includes glass roses, fern leaves, blueberries, myosotis , purple tulips, light-blue and dark-blue calla lilies, and African daisies, with the colors perfectly complimenting each other.

The Crochet Flower Bouquet-Blue Missing is perfect for use as a table centerpiece, for decorating a mantelpiece or bookshelf, or as a unique addition to any room in your home. The beautiful shades of blue make it a great option for a beach-themed wedding or event or to add a pop of color to a monochromatic room.


with wrapper, without wrapper


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