HOOKOK Bouquet – Yellow Rose Daisy Bouquet (12 pieces)


Beautiful crochet orange flower bouquet for sale. Wonderful choice as gift for friends, birthday, graduation, daughter, festivals.

100% hand-made crochet yellow rose bouquet

If you want personalized bouquet or special color, leave us a message or contact for customized orders.

Crochet Yellow Rose Bouquet

Oranges and yellows always make people feel warm and bright, like summer.

The bouquet is mostly yellow and orange flowers, complemented by a few small white flowers, making the whole both bright and warm, but not too overpowering. Roses, small daisies, and gesang flowers are common flowers that can be given as gifts because they often signify good wishes and love.

This bouquet as a gift can definitely bring a smile to her face and let her have a good mood all day. Wonderful as gifts for friends, birthday, graduation, daughter, festivals.

We also have other yellow and orange color bouquets.




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