Let your wedding bouquet last forever
We provide wedding bouquet service so you can let your wedding bouquet last for ever.
Choose from hard to find flowers and make your wedding bouquet special and unique too.
Our Crochet Wedding Bouquet
We offer a unique wedding bouquet customization service that allows you to design your perfect bouquet, from main flower to colors. Our custom design service makes it easy to create a wedding bouquet as unique as your love. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We can’t wait to bring your personalized crochet wedding bouquet vision to life!
Our workflow is simple.
- Contact us to schedule a consultation with your vision, color preferences, and any other details you want to include. We have a large group of crochet flowers to choose from.
- Place the customized order we create especially for you. Pay with Paypal and we will start working on this project.
- We will send you an email once all the crochet work is done, usually need 2 to 4 weeks. Confirm the quality of the bouquet and shipping method.
- We will deliver your crochet wedding bouquet soon.
Any inquires? Send us an email ( co*****@ho****.com ) or contact directly. Or leave us a message below.