Crochet Bouquet-Squirrel Happiness


It is a creative nut bouquet. The combination of pine cones and filberts makes you involved in the happiness of the squirrel. The intricate stitches and exquisite patterns make it attractive. All accessories are handmade from yarn which gives them an incomparable meaning.

Crochet Bouquet-Squirrel Happiness|Hookok

The Squirrel Happiness bouquet is a delightful and charming arrangement that captures the playful spirit of squirrels. This creative nut bouquet combines pine cones and filberts, carefully crafted to perfection with intricate stitches and exquisite patterns.

Inspired by the joy and happiness that squirrels bring, The bouquet’s unique design will surely bring a smile to anyone’s face. The handmade accessories made from yarn add an extra touch of authenticity and meaning to the overall design.

The Crochet Bouquet- Squirrel Happiness is ideal for adding a whimsy look to your home decor or the perfect gift for a nature lover. Its playful and creative design is perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to housewarming parties.


with wrapper, without wrapper


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