Crochet Bouquet- Waltz Princess


A crochet bouquet contains a pink Thai Rose and artificial eucalyptus leaves. Wearing the green tutu, the pink rose princess dances the waltz in the rain, revolves her body, and sprinkles her petals to the world unrestrainedly. All accessories are 100% handmade with yarn.

The Waltz Princess crochet bouquet is a true work of art that will captivate your heart. Every aspect of this thoughtfully designed and crafted bouquet conveys elegance and grace. The beautiful pink Thai Rose is the bouquet’s centerpiece, and artificial eucalyptus completes the look. 

With her green tutu, the rose princess spins around and showers her petals, creating an image of strength, freedom, and joy. The bouquet is handcrafted using high-quality yarn, making each flower look incredibly lifelike. The vibrant color and intricate detailing of the pink rose and the natural-looking leaves give this bouquet a stunning visual appeal. 

Whether you display it on your coffee table, use it as a centerpiece, or give it as a gift to someone special, The Waltz Princess crochet bouquet is sure to impress. 

This bouquet is perfect for those who appreciate artistry and beauty. It adds a touch of romance and whimsy to any room, and the pink rose represents love and admiration, making it a thoughtful gift for a loved one or a friend. 

With The Waltz Princess crochet bouquet, you can bring the enchantment of the waltz into your life and create a beautiful moment that will last forever.


with wrapper, without wrapper


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