Crochet Flower Bouquet-Purple daisies


This crochet purple daisy bouquet consists of 3 purple daisies, 1 white leaf, 1 green leaf, and 1 gradient pink glass rose. It is hand-woven from yarn, with exquisite stitching and careful crochet making it a perfect handicraft. You can give it as a gift to your friends.

Bouquet-Daisy 1

This crochet purple daisy bouquet consists of purple daisies, white leaf, green leaf, and gradient pink glass rose. It is hand-woven from yarn, with exquisite stitching and careful crochet making it a perfect handicraft.

Bouquet-Daisy 2

This crochet warm little daisy bouquet consists of golden leaf, golden daisies, white daisy, yellow leaf, golden tulip, yellow glass rose, and white calla lily. The golden hue makes it look particularly sunny and warm.

crochet little daisy|hookok

Bouquet-Daisy 3

This crocheted daisy bouquet is ideal for a bigger floral arrangement or a stand-alone piece. This purple and white bouquet will catch the eye and make a statement; place it on a window sill, a bookshelf, or as a dining table centerpiece to catch a glimpse of sunlight.

Crochet Bouquet-Fresh Daisy|hookok

Bouquet-Daisy 4

This Crochet Bouquet-Fresh Daisy comprises purple and white daisies, purple and white galsang flower,purple myosotis.this lovely arrangement can brighten your home décor or suggest a creative present.

Bouquet-Daisy 5

Our crochet bouquet Little Daisy is a lovely and flexible that will give charm, elegance, and a touch of nature to any area. The bouquet consists of small daisiesgesang flowersmyosotis, and large leaf.

Bouquet-Daisy 6

This crochet pink daisy bouquet is ideal for a bigger floral arrangement or a stand-alone piece. This bouquet will catch the eye and make a statement; place it on a window sill, a bookshelf, or as a dining table centerpiece to catch a glimpse of sunlight.

Bouquet-Daisy 7

This Crochet Bouquet-Golden Beach distinctive style and gorgeous color scheme make it a perfect addition to any space or occasion,the bouquet comprises white and orange little daisies,yellow and white galsang flowers,myosotis,big leaf.


with wrapper, without wrapper


Daisy1, Daisy2, Daisy3, Daisy4, Daisy5, Daisy6, Daisy7


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