HOOKOK Bouquet – Crochet Pink Gerbera Bouquet ( 8 pieces)


Beautiful Crochet Pink Gerbera Bouquet for sale, perfect for romantic occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and so on. This flower bouquet is a wonderful choice as a thoughtful gift for your girlfriend, friend, teacher or family members. Our exquisite and lifelike crochet is a perfect crochet gift.


Beautiful Crochet Gerbera Bouquet Just For You!

This is our 100% hand-made Crochet Gerbera Bouquet.This bouquet includes pink gerbera, calla lily, love heart, snow fruit, together with myosotis embellishments, to create a lovely and organic arrangement that stands for simplicity and ease of delight. 

This bouquet is a thoughtful and meaningful way to express emotions. Gerbera always reminds us of the warmth of the sun, the vitality of life, and the perseverance of relentless pursuit.

Suitable for any occasion, such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or simply as a special gift for yourself, is appropriate for this bouquet. this crochet gerbera bouquet is a wonderful choice as a decoration or thoughtful gift.

Bouquet sizes: 13.8 inch long, 7.88 inch wide, 3.94 inch high. ( 35cm × 20cm ×10cm )

Check to see which one you are interested. Or you can place customized order from us.


Bouquet – Pink Gerbera Bouquet

This crochet gerbera bouquet is a lovely and meaningful method to convey feelings and emotions. It contains the following components:

  • Main flower: 1 pink gerbera
  • Secondary Flower: 1 pink and 1 white calla, 1 love heart
  • Filler Flower: 3 pink forgot-me-not, 1 snow fruit branch


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