HOOKOK Bouquet – Crochet Sunflower Bouquet (7 pieces)


Beautiful crochet sunflower bouquets for sale. Wonderful choice as gift for friends, birthday, graduation, daughter, and so on. Double-layer petals sunflowers match with some other flowers. Three colors for you to choose.

These are our collection of 100% hand-made crochet sunflower bouquets. These sunflowers have double-layer petals, looked much more realistic and adorable. And there are three colors for you to choose. In addition, yellow one is made of cotton yarn, while pink ones made of wool yarn. (size:40×20×10cm)

If you want personalized bouquet or special color, leave us a message or contact for customized orders.

Yellow Sunflower Bouquet

The yellow sunflower always reminds us of the warmth of the sun, the vitality of life, and the perseverance of the relentless pursuit. It represents vibrancy and vigor. And it has a lot of seeds, which also symbolizes the harvest.

This yellow sunflower is made of cotton yarn. And we chose white daisies, orange dandelions and light green leaves to complement this bouquet to make it richer all together.

The bright, fresh color of this bouquet make it perfect for spring and summer decorations or gifts.

Yellow Sunflower Bouquet

  • 2 yellow sunflower
  • 1 small white daisy branch
  • 1 white daisy
  • 1 orange dandelion branch
  • 2 green leaf

Light Pink Sunflower Bouquet

Have you ever seen a pink sunflower? There are no pink sunflowers in reality, but crochet flowers can be any color you like. The light pink petals with khaki colored stamens and seeds make it looks lovely instead of strange.

This light pink sunflower is made of wool yarn. We chose to pair this bouquet with white daisy flowers, tung-oil flower and light green elements, and the wrapping paper and ribbons were also in light colors to give it a fresh and clean overall style.

Light Pink Sunflower Bouquet

  • 1 light pink sunflower
  • 1 small white daisy branch
  • 1 tung-oil flower
  • 1 green loving heart
  • 1 monstera
  • 1 big leaf

Dark Pink Sunflower Bouquet

This dark pink sunflower is made of wool yarn.

This color also brings warmth, so we opted for a style more suited to fall and winter. With brown rose, ge-sang flower, cotton, and green pinecone, olive branch, and leaf, the overall color is darker, and the pink sunflower is a splash of color. For the packaging color we chose the original wood color paper, which matches perfectly with the overall style.

Dark Pink Sunflower Bouquet

  • 1 dark pink sunflower
  • 1 cotton branch
  • 1 brown rose
  • 1 brown ge-sang flower
  • 1 green pine cone
  • 1 olive branch
  • 1 small leaf

dark pink, light pink, yellow


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