HOOKOK Bouquet – Purple Crochet Flower Bouquet


Collection of purple crochet flower bouquets for sale. Suitable for any occasion, including weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. You can give it as a gift to your lovers, friend, teacher or family members. this crochet bouquet is a wonderful choice as a great crochet gift.



Find your favorite purple crochet bouquet now!

Our purple crochet bouquet is suitable for any occasion, including weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries, or as a special treat for yourself. Its unique design and handmade quality make it stand out among other traditional bouquets and will surely bring a smile to anyone’s face.

The bouquets we match mainly feature crochet tulips, daisies, lavender and more. The contrasting hues of purple and lilac represent sophistication and elegance, while the flowers’ realistic appearance brings nature’s beauty indoors.

Bouquet sizes: 13.8 inch long, 7.88 inch wide, 3.94 inch high. ( 35cm × 20cm ×10cm )

Check to see which one you are interested. Or you can place customized order from us.

crochet lavender bouquet|hookok




crochet lavender bouquet|hookok

Bouquet 1-Purple Garden

This Purple crochet flower bouquet that is a lovely and colorful complement to any room’s decor or special event. It contains the following components:

  • Main flower: 2 purple tulip
  • Secondary Flower: 2 white and 2 light purple gesang flower, 1 white calla
  • Accent Flower: 5 purple and light purple lavenders
  • Filler Flower: 4 light purple forgot me not


Bouquet 2-Purple Daisies and Gesang Flower

The colors and design of this daisies and gesang flower bouquet evoke the freshness and joy of spring, making it the perfect gift to brighten anyone’s day. It contains the following components:

  • Main flower: 1 pink and 1 purple diasies, 1 light purple and 2 purple gesang flowers
  • Accent Flower: 1 white and 1 purple calla
  • Filler Flower: 2 fleabane flowers
  • Greenery: 1 Four-seasons green Leaf, 1 monstera leaf
crochet purple daisies bouquet|hookok


crochet tulip bouquet|hookok

Bouquet 3- Tulip and Gesang Flower

This purple tulip and gesang flower bouquet’s beautiful colors and handcrafted artistry make it a one-of-a-kind and unforgettable present for any occasion. It contains the following components:

  • Main flower: 2 light and 2 dark pink tulips, 1 light purple and dark purple tulips. 3 pink, 3 light purple and 1 dark purple gesang flowers



Bouquet 1, Bouquet 2, Bouquet 3


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