HOOKOK Bouquet – Daisy and Lavender Bouquet (15 pieces)


Crochet Daisy and Lavender Bouquet for sale. Wonderful choice as a thoughtful gift for your girlfriend, mother, friends, teachers, or family members. Our exquisite and lifelike crochet flower is a perfect crochet gift. Perfect for romantic occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and so on.

100% hand-made crochet daisy and lavender bouquet. If you want personalized bouquets or special colors, leave us a message or contact us for customized orders.

Daisy and Lavender Bouquet (15 pieces)

This bouquet contains the following components:

  • Main flower: 3 yellow and 1 white small daisies
  • Secondary Flower:  1 white single large daisy, 1 white wild daisy flower
  • Accent Flower: 3 dark and 1 light purple lavender
  • Filler Flower: 2 purple forgot me nots
  • Greenery: 1 small leaf, 1 light green cymbidium leaf, 1 fountain grass


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