HOOKOK Bouquet – Crochet Gradient Thai Rose Bouquet (13 pieces)
Sweet Crochet Gradient Thai Rose Bouquet for sale, perfect for romantic occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and so on. This flowers is a wonderful choice as a thoughtful bouquet gift for your girlfriend, friend, teacher or family members. Our exquisite and realistic crochet is a perfect crochet gift.
100% hand-made Crochet Gradient Thai Rose Bouquet.
If you want personalized bouquet or special color, leave us a message or contact for customized orders.
Beautiful Crochet Thai Rose Bouquet Just For You!
This bouquet features pink and white flowers and green leaves, making it look particularly fresh and natural, to create a lovely and organic arrangement that stands for simplicity and ease of delight.
The Thai rose is a symbolic representation of beauty, love, and rarity. It is often associated with something delicate, precious, and unique. As a crochet gift, Thai rose bouquet is a thoughtful and meaningful gesture conveying admiration, affection, and appreciation.
Crochet Thai roses are perfect for various occasions, such as weddings, birthdays, or Valentine’s Day. They make a great gift for someone special, a loved one, or even as a unique way to show appreciation to a colleague or friend. You can customize them to match any color scheme or personal taste, making them a truly personal and thoughtful gift.
Bouquet sizes: 13.8 inch long, 7.88 inch wide, 3.94 inch high. ( 35cm × 20cm ×10cm )
Bouquet – Crochet Gradient Thai Rose
This sweet Thai rose bouquet we assembled contains the following components:
- Main flower: 2 Gradient Thai Rose
- Secondary Flower: 3 white calla, 2 gesang flower, 1 daisy
- Accent Flower: 2 freesia
- Greenery: 2 big leaves, 1 monstera leaf
Bouquet | Gradient Thai Rose Bouquet |
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