HOOKOK Bouquet – Crochet Daisy Bouquet (13 pieces)


Beautiful crochet daisy bouquet, perfect for birthdays, weddings, mother’s day. Choose from our ideas with various colors or match well with other flowers, such as crochet rose, calla, Gesang flower and more. You can give crochet daisy bouquets as thoughtful gifts to lovers, friends, and family.


crochet purple daisies bouquet|hookok

Beautiful Crochet Daisy Bouquet Just For You!

This is our 100% hand-made collection of crochet small daisy bouquet. Daisies are small and delicate, and although they don’t have an attractive fragrance, they are still a favorite. The language of the daisy is innocence, peace, hope, pure beauty and love, symbolizing wonderful love, innocence and happiness.

Suitable for any occasion, such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or simply as a special gift for yourself, is appropriate for this bouquet. this crochet daisy bouquet is a wonderful choice as a center decoration or thoughtful gift.

Bouquet sizes: 13.8 inch long, 7.88 inch wide, 3.94 inch high. ( 35cm × 20cm ×10cm )

If you want personalized bouquet or special color, leave us a message or contact for customized orders.


Bouquet – Purple Daisies, Gesang flower

The colors and design of this daisies and gesang flower bouquet evoke the freshness and joy of spring, making it the perfect gift to brighten anyone’s day. It contains the following components:

  • Main flower: 2 pink and 2 purple diasies, 1 light purple and 2 purple gesang flowers
  • Accent Flower: 1 white and 1 purple calla
  • Filler Flower: 2 fleabane flowers
  • Greenery: 1 Four-seasons green Leaf, 1 monstera leaf
crochet purple daisies bouquet|hookok

Daisy Bouquet


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